Friday, April 29, 2016

Y is for… Well, nothing actually

Yes, that's right.  I was stymied by this one.  There are no New Zealand films that start with 'Y'.  At least, I can't think of one...  Not even a short!

I thought about cheating on my theme and writing about a TV show called Back of the Y, but you know... it would be cheating.  Then I thought maybe I could throw in a random film from somewhere else, like You've Got Mail, or Youth, or Yabba.  But... cheating.

So rather than cheat, I'll just write this random post about how there are no New Zealand films that start with Y.

Filmmakers, get onto that, okay?


  1. So, if I decided to become a filmmaker and agreed to make a film in New Zealand that started with the letter Y (I wrote a script called Yesterday's News that would work well), do you think I'd be allowed to move there?

  2. I had to get a little creative yesterday for X day. I find that always happens once in a while during the challenge.

  3. I applaud your integrity, Kate. LOL. I always have trouble with X and Q.

  4. That's pretty crazy. But thanks for providing something anyway!

  5. No Y New Zealand films? That does make it difficult...

  6. I applaud your honesty. This has been a fun run and I'm sad to see it come to an end.

  7. Oddly, I found Y the most difficult letter in the alphabet for me too. I would have thought 4 or 5 letters woulda been tougher. Then again, I haven't gotten to Z yet, so I should probably shut up.

  8. I figured X would be the hardest (it was for me when I did the A-Z 2 yrs ago). So, in addition to squirrels, NZ needs films that begin with Y. Get on that NZ-ers! :)
