Friday, October 2, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things 2-10-15

This post is part of  Lexa Cain's bloghop, Celebrate the Small Things (Lexa has just taken it over from VikLit who has hosted it for the last 2 years). Head on over there to join up! 

So, what am I celebrating this week?

It's the weekend!  I've had a crazy busy week at work so am looking forward to a relaxing weekend.  Although I'm not entirely sure how relaxing it will be.  I have a lot planned.

On Saturday afternoon I'm going to see a movie about the Berlin music scene in the 1980s.  A bunch of my friends from Berlin are apparently in it, so I'm excited.  Unfortunately I need to take my 8-year-old son with me because my partner's working.  I hope he isn't too bored, and the bribe of going out for pizza afterward is enough to keep him from ruining the experience for everyone.

On Sunday we're going up the coast to pick up my older son who has been staying out there with my friend.  Fingers crossed the weather improves a little so we can enjoy the beach.

What are you celebrating this week?


  1. You're so lucky to be going into spring. I hope the beach is nice enough for you to enjoy. Have fun at the movie :)

  2. Yay for a relaxing weekend, a fun film, and pizza!! I hope the beach is warm and sunny for your visit. :)

  3. Hope things are pleasant for the weekend.

  4. I hope your son behaves, enjoy your weekend :)

  5. I'm sure the pizza bribe will help. Enjoy the weekend.

  6. I am sure your son will feel very grown up going with you to see such a film and pizza is always a great bribe!! Have a super weekend :) Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

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