Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weekly goals 19-8-24

 I didn't manage to get any writing done over the weekend after all, which is annoying.  I just ran out of time and energy.

So my goal this week is to definitely get back into that book.  I may even take a day off to ensure I do.  I'll see how my workload is looking as we head into the end of the week.

I also start my formal training to be a spin instructor this week, so my goal is to be awesome at that.  I've learned one class, but I wouldn't be 100% confident in actually teaching it yet.  At least not to any strangers.   My friends might be more forgiving...

And that's about it for goals this week.  Trying to stay dry seems like an important one too.  We've had super heavy rain since around midday yesterday and it doesn't look like it's letting up any time soon.

What are your goals this week?


  1. That's awesome you're training as a spin instructor. Good luck with your goals. I worked on revising another chapter this weekend. I'm hoping on getting back into a more regular schedule this week.

  2. You always get an impressive amount done, even on your weekends. I wish I had some of your energy!
