Sunday, May 19, 2024

Weekly Goals 20-5-24

 It's going to be another busy week, so I'm not setting myself any writing goals again.  If I get time to do any writing work, I'll do it, but I don't know that there will be any time.  I'm onsite three nights this week and I have a lot to do at work outside the onsite stuff.

I've had one more query rejection for Guide Us.  There were a lot of agents closed to queries when I did my first round of querying, so I'm going to try and go back through my list to see if anyone has re-opened since then and send some more queries out.  I'm quite disappointed at the reception this query has received, given all the positive feedback I've had on both the query and the opening pages.  I guess no-one is looking for Catholic school lesbians at the moment....

And that's it for goals this week?  What are you trying to achieve?


  1. Sorry that you aren't getting any good responses to your query letter. It sounds like a good idea to check for agents on your list who are reopening. Maybe tweak your query letter to see if that helps. You might want to check my data base of agents and the new ones I'm interviewing each month.

  2. Your book sounds good. I think it's just really hard to get anyone to look at anything at the moment. Good luck.
