It's the end of the week, so it's time to Celebrate the Small things...
What am I celebrating this week?
What am I celebrating this week?
It's the weekend!
And I think I need a weekend. It's been a big week. Turns out turning 50 is kind of exhausting! Or maybe it's just the fact I've been out almost every night for about two weeks. Looks like things might be about to calm down a bit after tomorrow, so that's a good thing.
I quite like this out all the time thing. I've seen a lot of great stuff - movies, theatre, comedy. It's been fun! But I have to say, an early night would also be much appreciated. I think I'll aim for that tonight, even if I am going to a colleague's farewell. Shouldn't be late though... Famous last words, right?
I have one last show in the comedy fest to go to tomorrow night and Sunday afternoon I'm going to the classic movie at my local cinema - Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire. Then I promise I'm going to knuckle down and get some actual writing done. Honestly.
What are you celebrating this week?
You always seem to have something going on! Just a farewell gathering seems quite light for you.