Sunday, April 9, 2023

Weekly Goals 10-4-23

 I've slipped into vacation mode over this long weekend, so goal setting isn't high on my agenda.  The weather has been beautiful the last couple of days so I've been on a couple of long walks.  I don't think it's going to be so nice today, so I may actually sit down to try and finish my read through of Guide Us.

Then again, I might not...

With winter on its way and daylight saving finishing, my main goal at the moment is to figure out how I can keep my fitness up without riding my bike to and from work.  I can still go to the gym, of course, but that's just three times a week if I stick to my usual classes.  I really need to figure out something for the other days or all the gains I've made over the summer will be lost.

What are your goals this week?


  1. It's good to have holiday weekends sometime. Exercise is essential for my mental as well as physical health. I ride an exercise bike when it's cold and am going to also start walking outside since it's so nice out now.

  2. Holidays give free days off, of course you want to go into vacation mode.

  3. Wish it was winter here. My area had "record highs" today. It's only April!
