Monday, June 7, 2021

Weekly Goals 7-6-21

 With the extra day off, I completely forgot to write my weekly goals post!

But better late than never, I guess...

My goals aren't that different than they have been for the last few weeks though.  Keep working through Juliet & Juliet in the hope that one day it will be ready to send to someone to read.  And maybe send out a few more queries for Standing too Close.  

But after not getting any bites during #PitMad and no requests from three different versions of my query, I'm beginning to think that book might be dead in the water.  Which is making me a little despondent because I love this story and these characters.

No wonder I'm struggling to get inspired to revise...

But enough bitching.  It's not like I don't know how publishing works.  I've been doing this long enough.  I may just have to add this book to the file of other finished books that never seemed to get any traction.


What are your goals this week?

1 comment:

  1. That's too bad about the book. I'm sure it's just the timing, because it is a good story.
