What am I celebrating this week?
The website for young adult author Kate Larkindale. A place for her musings on writing, publishing and a day job in the arts sector.
This book looked interesting when I saw it at the library, so I picked it up.
It's set over one summer in a small upstate-New York town and follows a loosely linked group of protagonists through this period.
There's Laura, a fifteen-year-old girl trying to figure out who she is. Her best friend, Bethany, is suddenly infatuated with a girl who hangs out with a different crowd and Laura feels left out. More and more she turns to the guy she's been talking to on a dating site online after setting up a fake profile as a joke. As things between her and Bethany become more and more strained, this relationship becomes the most important thing in Laura's life, never mind the person Paul thinks he's talking to is not fifteen-year-old Laura.
April is Laura's mother, a divorced math teacher who spends her summer running the church Bible camp. More and more dissatisfied with her life and her choices, she falls into a reckless affair with a much younger man and finds herself enjoying herself for the first time in years.
Paul used to be the home-town hero. A local rock star, he left after high school to hit the big time in New York. Now he's back, having failed to make his dream come true. He spends his days in his childhood bedroom at his mother's house, and his nights driving aimlessly around town. When his mother gets him a job as the sound operator at church, his path crosses April's and for the first time he sees her as something other than his high school math teacher.
Finally there's Ben, a thirteen-year-old kid at the church Bible camp. He's hopelessly in love with Bethany, but will never tell her. He's struggling to figure out how to relate to his new foster brother, a sullen Black kid called De Shawn. And why does De Shawn get the attention from Bethany he so desperately wants?
I really enjoyed this book at first. The characters were interesting with their different wants and desires and the small town setting gave a real sense of claustrophobia. It was interesting to get to know each individual and figure out how they fitted into the world of the story, how the connections would form between them all.
Unfortunately, it kind of petered out at the end and only two of the characters really got any resolution. And they weren't the characters I was the most interested in. I guess this leaves things open for a sequel, but I would have liked to have seen all four stories come to some kind of conclusion. I left the book feeling somewhat gyped by not getting this.
But don't just listen to me. Here's the blurb:
Vacation Bible School got a little out of hand this year.My main goal for this week is to start riding my bike to work again. Unfortunately it's absolutely hosing down with rain right now, so I don't think I'll be doing that today...
Other than that, I don't have a lot of goals. I'm working on a beta read for a friend which I'd like to get done by the end of the week.
But that's about it... Not that exciting, right? On day I'll have some real goals again... Maybe.
What are your goals this week?
You know how everyone always says the book is better than the movie? Well, this is one of the rare cases where I feel like the movie is better than the book. Now, don't get me wrong. I love this book and Russell Banks is one of my all-time favourite authors, but there are layers in the film that elevate it above the source material. Kind of the way Frank Darabont elevated Stephen King in both The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile.
Anyway... I re-read this book last week while I waited for the library to reopen after lockdown.
It's the story of a school bus accident in a small town in upstate New York and how the community is devastated by the loss of so many of its children. There are four different points of view telling the story - the driver of the bus, the father of two kids who were killed, the lawyer who is trying to get the townsfolk to band together for a law suit and one of the few survivors of the crash, a young girl now confined to a wheelchair.
These different perspectives highlight not just the varied views of the actual crash and what happened, but the way the townsfolk respond to it. The bus driver is a local woman, well liked and much admired. No one knows how to speak to her after the accident. Everyone knows that she was not really responsible for the crash, yet they can't look at her or speak to her, knowing that she is responsible for their grief.
The lawyer has his own reasons for so fiercely pursuing the case. His own daughter isn't dead, but is just as lost to him as any of the children who drowned in the frozen pond. He would never admit it, but fighting for justice for these kids makes him feel better about being unable to help his own child.
The father was driving behind the bus and watched it crash with his twins in the back. Recently widowed and struggling with a drinking problem that is just on the verge of becoming a real problem, he has been indulging in an illicit affair with a local woman who, with her husband, runs a struggling motel. Following the crash and the loss of their children, they discover how little they really have in common and their relationship fizzled out, leaving Billy with nothing but his grief and a bottle.
Nichole, one of the few children to survive the crash, comes home to a family and a hometown she no longer recognises. For years she has been harbouring a dirty secret about her father, a secret that festers within her. When she is asked to talk to the lawyers about what she saw he day of the accident, she realizes that, for the first time, she holds the power and uses it to hurt her father as gravely as he ever hurt her.
This is a beautiful and very sad story that asks some serious questions about what a community is, and what it should do when the very worst thing you can imagine happens. As I mentioned, I think the film (by Canadian/Armenian director Atom Egoyan) is better than the book - more layered, more beautiful - but the book does give more depth to a couple of the character points of view, especially Nichole's and Billy's.
I would certainly recommend this one, but more so, another of Bank's books that references this one, The Rule of the Bone. In that one, the characters wind up living in the wrecked bus that was pulled from the pond for a while...I love little things like that and often try to drop them into my own books.
But don't just listen to me. Here's the blurb:
When fourteen children from the small town of Sam Dent are lost in a tragic accident, its citizens are confronted with one of life’s most difficult and disturbing questions: When the worst happens, whom do you blame, and how do you cope? Masterfully written, it is a large-hearted novel that brings to life a cast of unforgettable small-town characters and illuminates the mysteries and realities of love as well as grief.
I finished all my library books the first weekend of our latest lockdown and was forced to trawl my bookshelves at home for things to read. Since the same thing happened during last year's lockdown, I found there wasn't much there I hadn't read recently.
Then I came upon this book and decided to give it a whirl.
Basically it is a family saga spanning twenty-years in the McCarthy family. But at the same time it's a mystery and a thoughtful examination of Canada's part in the Cold War.
The McCarthys are an Air Force family. The book opens as they are driving to the Air Force base in the middle of nowhere that will be their new home after their most recent posting in Germany. Father, Jack, is excited to be returning to Centralia where he did his training. He has happy memories of the base, despite it being the site of the plane crash that scuppered his flying career just as the War was ramping up.
The living quarters at Centralia create a picture-perfect suburbia. There is ample space for the kids to play, but they are rarely out of sight from one or more attentive mother. It doesn't take long for Madeline, the younger of the McCarthy's two children, to make friends within the community.
Wife, Mimi, beautiful, exotic and still very much in love with her husband, Jack, is so used to re-settling, it takes no time at all to get the house looking and feeling like a home. She quickly befriends the other wives and is easily accepted into their social groups.
Jack has a little more trouble settling in. He has things on his mind. Secret things. He has been asked by an old acquaintance to be part of a top secret mission. Initially, it doesn't seem hard, but as the demands on him become greater, he finds himself in the difficult position of having to lie to his wife to protect his secrets.
And when a local girl, a girl in his beloved Madeline's class, is murdered, he finds himself in a position where his loyalties are torn. Unable to reconcile the secret with the public and his own role in the events spiraling out of control, he gives his daughter advice that will echo through the next twenty years of their lives.
I loved this book. The Cold War setting gave even the most idyllic moments a sense of disquiet and unease. Madeline is a very real child, dealing with questions and moral ambiguity beyond her ability to understand. The supporting characters are also really well drawn, particularly the slightly odd German neighbors who Jack quickly befriends.
It is a long book, and I feel like there are definitely parts that could have been edited down, or cut out, but it is very enjoyable and will keep you guessing right until the very last pages.
Definitely recommended!
But don't just listen to me. Here's the blurb:
The optimism of the early sixties, infused with the excitement of the space race and the menace of the Cold War, is filtered through the rich imagination of high-spirited, eight-year-old Madeleine, who welcomes her family's posting to a quiet Air Force base near the Canadian border. Secure in the love of her beautiful mother, she is unaware that her father, Jack, is caught up in a web of secrets. When a very local murder intersects with global forces, Jack must decide where his loyalties lie, and Madeleine will be forced to learn a lesson about the ambiguity of human morality -- one she will only begin to understand when she carries her quest for the truth, and the killer, into adulthood twenty years later.I'm afraid I don't really have any goals this week. I haven't thought of any, and since I didn't really fulfill any of last week's, it seems a little pointless to set any for this week.
The gym has re-opened, so I'm very keen to get back into my regular routine there again. I hate to think how low my weights are going to need to be this weekend, after a month or so of not lifting. And just when I'd managed to build up to a decent level again too!
But that's about it for goals. I'm not even going to say I'll write this week because it's pretty clear that I'm not going to write. There's nothing there, as much as I want there to be.
What are your goals this week?
I seem to have picked up a few of T.C. Boyle's books recently, after not having read anything by him for a number of years. Not really on purpose either, just because they looked interesting.
This one is set at Harvard in the 1960s. Fitz is a graduate student, married with a child and a little older than most of the other grad students in his psych class. Yet still young enough to be as much in the thrall of of his charismatic professor as any of the other students.
Tim is experimenting on the cutting edge of psychology, using LSD, a drug first synthesised in Germany during WWII, to explore the possibilities of the human mind. It is a course requirement that all the students partake and Tim hosts regular Saturday night gatherings for his acolytes. Fitz is initially wary, but wants to remain in the course and does not want to be isolated from Tim.
When he and Joanie join their first gathering, the drug blows both their minds. Everything is better, heightened by LSD.
Before long, what began as clinical trials starts spinning out of control. Tim's core group spends a summer away from the university, living and tripping as a new community in Mexico. Lines and loyalties blur as this enlightened community searches for God and the meaning of existence while on increasingly large doses of hallucinogens.
When their lifestyle experiments lead to expulsion from Harvard, they move into an empty rural mansion to continue their search for enlightenment. But as time goes on, financial considerations, loyalties and the shifting group dynamics make what once seemed like paradise into a living hell.
I kind of enjoyed this book, even though all the characters - and there were a lot of them - really irritated me. It felt very real and exactly what I imagine commune living to be like. There is a reason why I don't live on a commune...
Weirdly, it never occurred to me that the Tim in the book was supposed to be Timothy Leary! Guess I should have read the blurb before I started reading. I might have read him differently if I had figured that out. Although I doubt he would have been any less irritating.
If you're interested in the '60s counterculture, this is a good introduction that doesn't gloss over the downsides of living a perpetually high life. I'd recommend it, but with the caveat that the characters are kind of losers and difficult to like.
But don't just listen to me. Here's the blurb:
A provocative new novel from bestselling author T.C. Boyle exploring the first scientific and recreational forays into LSD and its mind-altering possibilitiesHeading into week three in lockdown... The government are making an announcement this afternoon that will likely change the alert levels sometime this week. Fingers crossed we go down to a level where we can leave home again.
The weather has been gorgeous all weekend, if a little windy, so fingers crossed that lasts. If we have to stay home, at least the weather could co-operate and allow us to get out for a walk.
My goals this week are pretty simple. Keep querying. Try to write something, anything, it doesn't matter. I just need to exercise that muscle again before it atrophies completely.
Keep exercising daily to keep myself sane.
What are your goals this week?