Sunday, February 7, 2021

Weekly Goals 8-2-21

 My goals are going to be pretty much the same for the next few weeks, I'm afraid.  

I've sent out a bunch of review requests to bloggers and book reviewers and had a handful of people reply so far.  Fingers crossed a few more might get back to me this week.  I have another list of people to get in touch with, so that's going to be my focus this week.

I sent off a first batch of new queries on Saturday, so we'll see if this new query works better than the last one.  If not, then I will try re-writing it again, this time trying something halfway between the two versions I've tried so far.

And that's it for goals this week.

What do you want to achieve?


  1. I got some really fruitful outline revisions in on Saturday, and then that seemed to be pretty all I wanted to work on regarding writing, so I did nothing yesterday. I hope to get more stuff done this week, which ends at a three day weekend, which I definitely want to use productively, maybe even to start work on the new manuscript.
