This post is part of Lexa Cain's blog hop, Celebrate the Small Things. Head on over there to sign up!
What am I celebrating this week?
It's the weekend!
And the film festival started today. Although it's not quite the film festival I'm used to. Because of this damn virus, the festival went online this year because when it was being planned and organized, cinemas were still closed and it seemed improbable that they would re-open in time. Now of course, that is not the case. So there are a few screenings in cinemas - I'm going to one tomorrow and another on Tuesday - but most films are available only online.
Last night my favorite singer did an online concert from London. It was good, but certainly nothing like the experience of being there, in the room, with a crowd of sweaty people pressed up against you. But at least people are figuring out ways to keep making a living, and keep up the illusion that life is still ticking along as usual.
And considering our borders are closed and look likely to stay that way for some time to come, this is going to be the only way to see our favorite international artists for a while. Luckily we have some amazing performers here, so we're not going to be lacking for live music.
What are you celebrating this week?
You guys did well at controlling the virus. New Zealand sounds like a good place to be right now. Enjoy your local concerts since you actually have them!