Sunday, May 31, 2020

Weekly Goals 1-6-20

Can you believe it's June already?  I feel like our summer holidays were about ten minutes ago, and here we are having our last public holiday until October.

I guess that two months of lockdown really screwed with my sense of time...

I managed to get a lot of writing done over the weekend and am feeling pretty positive about being able to finish this revision in the next week or two.  So my goal this week is to keep up that momentum and keep working through the various parts of the book that need fixing.

My other goal is to figure out how to keep up the awesome amount of exercise I managed to do during lockdown.  With it getting dark by 5pm, I can't ride my bike to work anymore, and I don't have that lovely hour of commuting time to work with that I had while working at home.  Unfortunately, I now need that time to actually, y'know, commute.

And that's about it for goals this week.  What are you hoping to achieve this week?

1 comment:

  1. This year has been several decades long. You'd think we'd have more time for all the stuff we're supposed to be doing...
