This post is part of Lexa Cain's blog hop, Celebrate the Small Things. Head on over there to sign up!
What am I celebrating this week?
It's my birthday!
So I'm celebrating that today. We moved into Level 2 of the the COVID-19 response yesterday which means things are starting to re-open. Since one of my sons is working tonight and the other is going to sleep over with his best friend who he hasn't seen for 8 weeks, my partner and I are going out for dinner. Will be interesting to see how the restaurants manage the strict social distancing rules.
We're going to have dinner with our parents on Sunday which will be the first time I've seen my parents since the lockdown began. My partner went and visited his dad last weekend, but the kids and I stayed home. He's in his 90s and there's no point taking any chances. So Sunday will be the first time we've all been together since mid-March.
Cinemas are opening up again too, although at limited capacity. If my local one is open this weekend, I might go and see a movie. I know there's not going to be anything new on, but there were a few things I hadn't seen before the lockdown that might find their way back on screen.
We're going back to the office on Monday which I'm looking forward to. I'm sick of talking to the little discs on Teams... Only three days a week to begin with so there are never too many people in the office at the same time, but it will be nice to be around people again.
We've had no new cases of the virus in three days now, so I'm feeling hopeful that the severe lockdown our government put in place has done its job. But I guess we'll find out over the next couple of weeks, once people start moving around and mingling again.
What are you celebrating this week?
Happy birthday! :D I hope you can do something nice for it. Just be careful out there.