Sunday, February 2, 2020

Weekly Goals 3-2-10

Wow.  It's February already?  How did that happen?

I have a short week at work this week because there's a public holiday on Thursday and I've taken Friday off as well to get a four-day weekend.  And since the kids are going to be at school, that Friday is going to be a writing day.

I think I finally figured out how to end that book I couldn't finish last year, so that's my project this week - to write that ending.  I also think I need to write a little more in the middle of the book because things feel a little rushed in there.  But hopefully, by the end of the long weekend I'll have something to send to my critique partners.

What are your goals this week?


  1. I like how focused you are! Best of luck with 1. finishing the book and 2. working out that middle bit. Enjoy your long week-end.

  2. Congrats on figuring out that ending!

    I hope to write. I actually did some work last week, and am proud of that. But there's always more!

  3. Hooray for figuring out your ending! That's so exciting!

    Happy writing (and happy four-day weekend...)

  4. Yay, an ending! Hopefully there will be lots of time to write over the long weekend.

  5. It sounds as if you have your days planned out for you. And figuring out an ending is the cherry on top!!! Wishing you much luck and perseverance!!

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