The website for young adult author Kate Larkindale. A place for her musings on writing, publishing and a day job in the arts sector.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
A is for.... Anger
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Heads up!

Just letting you know that I will be taking part in the A-Z blogging challenge throughout April. In this, we blog every day except Sundays, starting with the letter A and finishing with Z. It should be fun! I just have to think about what to blog about each day....
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A question for the blogosphere
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Not yoga....but close
A couple of months back, I was invited to guest post on agent Weronika Jancuzk's blog. This is the post I wrote for that. I thought it may be of interest, so without any further ado...
As a writer, it’s easy to sink into a comfort zone.
“I write paranormal romance,” or “I’m a spec fiction writer”. But is that all you can write? Break away from what you think you write best, and you might be surprised by the result. Doing something different is also a fantastic way to break through writers’ block. I always have at least 3 projects on the go at one time, so if I get stuck on one, I can work on another. Nine times out of ten, by the time I get stuck on project number 2 or 3, the problem in project 1 has resolved itself.
So I’m challenging you. This week, this month, step away from what you usually write, and try something you’ve never tried before. And let me know how it goes, okay?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Down and Out
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Show Me The Voice blogfest!
He’s going to call on me. He’s going to call on me and I’ll probably puke. There are only twelve of us in this class - seven boys and five girls – so it won’t take too long before it’s my turn. I can picture Ian, the tutor, striding to my desk, his green eyes fixed on me. “Kiersten?” he’ll say. “You’re up. Let’s hear about you.” It’s so real, I almost stand up to present my work in progress.
Work in progress? I’ve made no progress on this so-called work. I have no idea how to start writing this. We were given the assignment - an autobiography – right before Christmas break and all month I’ve been putting it off. Now Ian’s expecting something. A draft perhaps, or at least a detailed outline. But I have nothing. Slumped in my seat, I look down at the scarred tabletop before me, letting my hair fall over my face like a veil. I squint through the curtain it makes, at the orange glow in the glare from the near-dead fluorescent tube that hums and buzzes above me, disrupting my chain of thought. I work knots out of my hair with my fingers as I struggle to think where to begin. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and the more I think, the more certain I am my story began longer ago than I ever imagined.
I pray the class will end before Ian reaches me. I even pray for Alice Wilkins to be called on before me.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Another Awesome Contest
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Where to next?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Win something cool!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Writing saves $$$$
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Very Special Birthday Contest.
The darkness is absolute. For a moment I’m not sure if my eyes are open or closed. I strain to push the lids up, but they’re already wide. Not a pinpoint of light penetrates the space I’m in. Something covers my mouth and nose, making breathing difficult. My lungs burn for air, but I can only suck in tiny mouthfuls through whatever smothers my face.
I turn my head, crying out as a savage bolt of pain shoots through it. For a moment I waver on the edge of consciousness, wavy grey lines wafting across the blank space before my eyes. I struggle to keep my wits about me - what’s left of them - fighting the the darkness threatening to drown me. I gasp for breath, certain now I won’t pass out. Reaching out my left hand, I try to find something to hold onto. My fingers scrabble over some small objects, pebbles perhaps, that skitter away beneath my touch. I reach further, wrapping my fingers around them. Pain prickles through my fingertips. Not pebbles. Glass. Small, sharp shards of glass.
Using my scored digits, I drag myself forward, an inch, maybe two. A huge weight pins my legs to the ground. I can’t move them, can’t even feel them. Raising my head, I see light. Not a lot of light, but light. Red light, bright at one end, dull at the other. I know what this is. I do. My heart thumps at the side of my head and I can almost hear the gears of my brain creaking to make sense of this weird red glow.
A taillight.
I let my throbbing head drop as a reward, a surge of relief passing through me at this small achievement. It’s a taillight. But why is it up there? What is up there? And if that’s there, where am I? The
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
ADD in reading
Monday, March 7, 2011
Catch Me If You Can Blogfesst
The darkness is absolute. For a moment I’m not sure if my eyes are open or closed. I strain to push the lids up, but they’re already wide. Not a pinpoint of light penetrates the space I’m in. Something covers my mouth and nose, making breathing difficult. My lungs burn for air, but I can only suck in tiny mouthfuls through whatever smothers my face.
I turn my head, crying out as a savage bolt of pain shoots through it. For a moment I waver on the edge of consciousness, wavy grey lines wafting across the blank space before my eyes. I struggle to keep my wits about me - what’s left of them - fighting the the darkness threatening to drown me. I gasp for breath, certain now I won’t pass out. Reaching out my left hand, I try to find something to hold onto. My fingers scrabble over some small objects, pebbles perhaps, that skitter away beneath my touch. I reach further, wrapping my fingers around them. Pain prickles through my fingertips. Not pebbles. Glass. Small, sharp shards of glass.
Using my scored digits, I drag myself forward, an inch, maybe two. A huge weight pins my legs to the ground. I can’t move them, can’t even feel them. Raising my head, I see light. Not a lot of light, but light. Red light, bright at one end, dull at the other. I know what this is. I do. My heart thumps at the side of my head and I can almost hear the gears of my brain creaking to make sense of this weird red glow.
A taillight.
I let my throbbing head drop as a reward, a surge of relief passing through me at this small achievement. It’s a taillight. But why is it up there? What is up there? And if that’s there, where am I? The questions whirl dizzying circles around my skull. What day is it? I struggle to remember. What did I have for breakfast? My eyes fix on the taillight, broken I realize, staring into it as if hypnotized. That’s why it’s brighter at one end.
More light. White this time, sweeping in an arc across me. I blink, dazzled by the flood of brightness. All around me I see fragments glinting in the beam, tiny jewels strewn across what I can now see is a road. The yellow line is inches from my nose. Why am I lying in the middle of the road? Ghostly music drifts in my direction. A song I know, an oldie, The Beach Boys. It makes no sense here, must be in my head. I try to drag my other arm forward, wanting to raise myself onto my elbows for a better perspective. It won’t move. Pain rocks through my shoulder, my chest and courses up my neck to my still-aching head. The heavy, metallic scent of blood hangs over me. When I glance back down at the road, I see the yellow line is smeared red.
The slamming of a car door breaks through the dull thumping in my skull, chases the music away for a moment. Footsteps scuff across the gravel, heading away from where I lie.
“I’m here!” I cry, unsure if the voice I hear is my own.