Having got notes back from one reader, but not the other, I'm making a few small adjustments to my MS before sending it back to my agent. I should have it done and dusted by tomorrow night, which is the deadline I gave myself.
Once I get this book back off my plate, I can get back to revising the other one. I'd like to have it finished by the time I go away to the beach on January 2, but I'm not entirely confident I can turn this revision around that fast because it' only a second draft and will require some bigger changes than the ones I've been doing on the older manuscripts I've been working on.
But even if I don't get finished, I can make some good progress. Once I've finished that, I can write something new - the book I planned to write during NaNo.
Unless of course more revisions come in....
I figured out a genius way to get an extra gym session in during the week, so will see if I can make that work tomorrow night. If I can go three times a week, I'll feel that much better about myself, especially going into the big eating and drinking season.
What are your goals this week?
The website for young adult author Kate Larkindale. A place for her musings on writing, publishing and a day job in the arts sector.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
Celebrate the Small Things 27-11-15
This post is part of Lexa Cain's bloghop, Celebrate the Small Things(Lexa has just taken it over from VikLit who has hosted it for the last 2 years). Head on over there to join up!
So, what am I celebrating this week?
I just got my MS back from one of my readers and she doesn't seem to think there are any big issues. I haven't finished reading through her notes yet, but it doesn't sound like there are going to be big things to fix. Although I did have an idea last night about a section I can easily cut out now that I changed the ending. It won't cut the word-count a lot, but it will trim a thousand or so words...
I have nothing planned for the weekend which makes a nice change. Well, except for presenting a screening and moderating a Q & A with the filmmakers on Sunday night. But that should be fun.
Can you believe it's almost December? Only a few more weeks before we break for Christmas. And boy am I looking forward to that! I must remember to book a holiday mid-year next year. It's been far too long since I had any time off and I need a break.
What are you celebrating this week?
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Weekly Goals 23-11-15
I'm having a small break this week.
Last night I made the last little tweaks to my MS and sent it off to the two people who kindly agreed to be my fresh eyes. I've asked them to get the book back to me by Friday if they can, so I'll have the weekend to make any changes that might come out of the feedback. But until it comes back in, I'm going to take a break.
I do have other books to revise, but I'm in the headspace for this story right now, and moving on to another project will take me out of that headspace so I'll break instead of going back to My Murder Year. It's only a few days.
After I've sent Sidewalks back to my agent, then I'll get on with finishing the revision on Murder. Then I'll write the book I planned to write during NaNo. Unless I get pole axed by another burning idea which often happens to me.
What are your goals this week?
Last night I made the last little tweaks to my MS and sent it off to the two people who kindly agreed to be my fresh eyes. I've asked them to get the book back to me by Friday if they can, so I'll have the weekend to make any changes that might come out of the feedback. But until it comes back in, I'm going to take a break.
I do have other books to revise, but I'm in the headspace for this story right now, and moving on to another project will take me out of that headspace so I'll break instead of going back to My Murder Year. It's only a few days.
After I've sent Sidewalks back to my agent, then I'll get on with finishing the revision on Murder. Then I'll write the book I planned to write during NaNo. Unless I get pole axed by another burning idea which often happens to me.
What are your goals this week?
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Celebrate the Small Things 20-11-15
This post is part of Lexa Cain's bloghop, Celebrate the Small Things(Lexa has just taken it over from VikLit who has hosted it for the last 2 years). Head on over there to join up!
So, what am I celebrating this week?
I finished my revision last night. I think I still need to go through and make a few more tiny tweaks, but the bulk is done, I think. I just really need a fresh set of eyes over it to be sure I've addressed all the problem areas. I know November is the worst month to be asking this, but does anyone have time to do a full MS read before the end of the month? I'm happy to read for you in return, now or any time in the future.
It's Friday!
I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Tonight I'm going to a gig with a friend. It's an old punk band from the '70s that I'm not a huge fan of, but she is. It should be fun, even if I'm not in love with the band. Then tomorrow I'm helping out my son's Scout troop by working the bar at the stadium during the Elton John concert. Apparently that's how the Scouts fundraise.... When I volunteered I thought it would be a few hours, but it turns out it's a full 7 hour shift! Goodbye Saturday.
And that's about it for this week. Do let me know if you have time to read for me. I'd REALLY appreciate it. After so many rounds of revision, I'm not sure which parts really work and which I just think work because I know what was there three revision ago.
What are you celebrating this week?
Monday, November 16, 2015
Books I've Loved: Just Visiting
I'm super excited to share this particular book I loved with you not just because it's by the wonderful Dahlia Adler, but also because it's the book's release day today! Dahlia was kind enough to send me an advance copy and I've been waiting to share this with you ever since I finished it. I'm so excited I'm putting up the post about 12 hours too early! But I can't wait!
Thank you Dahlia! And have the happiest of happy book birthdays!
I loved this book. I loved that it was about a friendship between two girls. And I loved that the friendship didn't get altered when they met boys. So often in YA books the protagonist's friends are only there for a shoulder to cry on or someone to gossip with. It's refreshing to read a book where the friendship was front and center. I'm probably not alone as someone whose friends were the center and lynchpin of my life as a teenager. This book reflected that kind of intense friendship so beautifully.
It also dealt with the fact those friendships change and what's right for one half of the friendship may not be right for the other. It's a painful thing to face, but it's a part of growing up, and learning that you don't have to be in each others pockets 24-7 to stay friends is an important lesson to learn.
So can I just say I loved this?
And in case that isn't enough endorsement, here's the blurb:
Victoria Reyes wants in—in to a fashion design program, in to the arms of a cute guy who doesn't go to Charytan High, and in to a city where she won't stand out for being Mexican.
One thing the polar-opposite best friends do agree on is that wherever they go, they’re staying together. But when they set off on a series of college visits at the start of their senior year, they quickly see that the future doesn’t look quite like they expected. After two years of near-solitude following the betrayal of the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart, Reagan falls hard and fast for a Battlestar Galactica-loving, brilliant smile-sporting pre-med prospective... only to learn she's set herself up for heartbreak all over again. Meanwhile, Victoria runs full-speed toward all the things she thinks she wants… only to realize everything she’s looking for might be in the very place they've sworn to leave.
As both Reagan and Victoria struggle to learn who they are and what they want in the present, they discover just how much they don't know about each other's pasts. And when each learns what the other’s been hiding, they'll have to decide whether their friendship has a future.
Weekly Goals 16-11-15
Once again, this week is all about revision. I'm eleven chapters from the end in this round so I know I'll be through by the end of the week. Then I'd really like someone who hasn't already read it to look it over with fresh eyes.
So I'm looking for volunteers. I will have some very specific questions for you because this revision has been very focused on a couple of key things. And you'll need to be able to read quickly. I really want to be able to turn this back in to my agent by the end of the month.
If you're interested, and haven't already read an earlier draft of The Sidewalk's Regrets for me, leave a note in the comments or drop me an email (katelarkindale (at) gmail (dot) com). I'd be happy to read for you in exchange, now or at some later date.
What are your goals this week?
So I'm looking for volunteers. I will have some very specific questions for you because this revision has been very focused on a couple of key things. And you'll need to be able to read quickly. I really want to be able to turn this back in to my agent by the end of the month.
If you're interested, and haven't already read an earlier draft of The Sidewalk's Regrets for me, leave a note in the comments or drop me an email (katelarkindale (at) gmail (dot) com). I'd be happy to read for you in exchange, now or at some later date.
What are your goals this week?
Friday, November 13, 2015
Celebrate the Small Things 13-11-15
This post is part of Lexa Cain'sbloghop, Celebrate the Small Things(Lexa has just taken it over from VikLit who has hosted it for the last 2 years). Head on over there to join up!
So, what am I celebrating this week?
My revisions are going well. I'm not entirely sure I'm getting everything 100% right yet, but I figure I'll do another pass through once I finish this round. I'm up around 92K in terms of words which is long for YA, so I'm going to need to find some places to slash words if possible. Not sure if it will be possible though...
It's been a busy week at work. I was at a course Monday and half of Tuesday, which was interesting, but of course the work piles up when you're out of the office. We had a new person start on Monday which is going to take some of the pressure off the team, but of course we need to train her so she will be able to do all the things she needs to do. But so far she seems to be working out well.
Looking forward to the weekend. Tomorrow we are going up the coast to see my friend. Hoping the weather improves because winter seems to have decided to make a reappearance which is not making me at all happy. Would be nice if the sun came out so we can do some outdoor things while we're up at the beach.
What are you celebrating this week?
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Breaching His Defenses
TITLE – Breaching His Defenses
SERIES – Love Hack
AUTHOR – Allyson Lindt
GENRE – Contemporary Romance
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 58000 words
PUBLISHER – Acelette Press
COVER ARTIST – Allyson Lindt
What happens in Vegas…Can break hearts and destroy careers.
Years ago, heartbreak corrupted Jared Tippins’s outlook on love. He spun the betrayal into a rapid climb up the corporate ladder, and swore off any relationship with a morning after. Luckily, the playful siren who rescues him from singing a duet alone in a karaoke bar doesn’t want anything long term.
If only he could stop fantasizing about ways to make her moan. Sure, she could’ve mentioned he works for the competition. At least she’s not behind the security concerns that have plagued his company for almost six months.
If she were, he’d be screwed on a whole new level.
He laid a line of soft kisses along her neck, and then down her spine through her shirt. Hooking his thumbs into the elastic of her panties, he dragged them down her legs. “They are black. Lucky me.”
She let out a small laugh as she stepped out of the lingerie. “Glad I didn’t disappoint.” And there was her attitude. It made him as hard as the thought of burying himself inside her did. She spun to face him and plucked the panties from his hand, a teasing gleam in her eyes. She stepped close enough to rub her entire frame against him. Her hand slid along his waist, and she stuffed the lingerie in his pocket. “In case the memory of tonight isn’t enough of a souvenir for you.”
What made someone so tantalizingly bold? No, he didn’t need to know, as long as she didn’t stop. He tangled his fingers in her hair again, barely able to grasp the short strands. He pressed his forehead to hers, not able to keep the hunger from his voice. “Trust me, the memories are already enough to keep me company for a while. But when you walk out of here, at least I’ll know it’s without anything on under your skirt, the cool air brushing your skin, reminding you why you’re so wet.”
“Good thing I packed extra.” She tilted her head and nipped at his bottom lip before kissing him.
Allyson Lindt is a full-time geek and a fuller-time contemporary romance author. She prefers that her geeky heroes come with the alpha expansion pack and adores a heroine who can hold her own in a boardroom. She loves a sexy happily-ever-after and helping deserving cubicle dwellers find their futures together.
This event has been organized & hosted by

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Books I've Loved: Please Ignore Vera Dietz
This is a great book about friendship, unrequited love and the secrets we can keep for the people we're close to. It's also a book that has interesting dynamics between all the characters from the parents to the friends that surround Vera and Charlie.
It's also a beautifully economical book. The relationship between Charlie and Vera is shown in a very complete way without too much use of flashback or memory. Every scene works to either deepen our understanding of the relationship, or to drive the story forward.
I read it in a single afternoon and couldn't quite believe it when I'd finished. Definitely recommended!
If you don't believe me, here's the blurb:
Vera’s spent her whole life secretly in love with her best friend, Charlie Kahn. And over the years she’s kept a lot of his secrets. Even after he betrayed her. Even after he ruined everything.
So when Charlie dies in dark circumstances, Vera knows a lot more than anyone—the kids at school, his family, even the police. But will she emerge to clear his name? Does she even want to?
Edgy and gripping, Please Ignore Vera Dietz is an unforgettable novel: smart, funny, dramatic, and always surprising.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Weekly Goals 9-11-15
Short and sweet this week: it's all about the revision.
I plan to get through at least another 10 chapters of revising this week - maybe more. The changes I'm making are very small this time through, just the odd line here and there. I've done the bigger stuff already, including writing the new ending, so I'm hoping this is just a finessing draft and one where I don't add too many new words. This book is already too long!
What are your goals this week?
I plan to get through at least another 10 chapters of revising this week - maybe more. The changes I'm making are very small this time through, just the odd line here and there. I've done the bigger stuff already, including writing the new ending, so I'm hoping this is just a finessing draft and one where I don't add too many new words. This book is already too long!
What are your goals this week?
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Celebrate the Small things 6-11-15
This post is part of Lexa Cain's bloghop, Celebrate the Small Things (Lexa has just taken it over from VikLit who has hosted it for the last 2 years). Head on over there to join up!
So, what am I celebrating this week?
So, what am I celebrating this week?
It's the weekend! I think that's worth a celebration.
After an incredibly stressful weekend last week where my hard drive decided to die hours before I sent a revision to my agents, I'm looking forward to a rather more relaxing time this weekend.
Thankfully, I managed to retrieve (well, my partner actually did all the hard work) all my files and I didn't end up having to rewrite the 10K I'd done over the two days between my computer's last big back up and the crash. So I was only 1 day late sending in my MS.
This week I've started work on the second revision for my agents and so far it's going well. Although I keep adding words and it's already a long book for YA. I foresee a round of rather ruthless cutting at the end of the revising process. Although at this stage, I really don't know where I'll be able to cut 10-15K without losing some key story.
I'm going out with a friend from work tomorrow night. We're having dinner, then going to a play and then to her friend's place to watch the big fireworks display for Guy Fawkes. I'm looking forward to it because this friend is one of those magical people who instantly make anything more fun. She's one of my favorite people to hang out with because anything we end up doing is an event. Even just eating lunch together.
Do you have anyone in your life like that?
What are you celebrating this week?
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Books I've Loved: All the Bright Places
I just finished this book last night and had to write about it here today because it's the first time in a long time a book has surprised me this much in a long time. Something happens about two-thirds of the way through that was, for me, totally unexpected. I won't tell you what because that would ruin the book for you, but wow...
The characters are interesting and hyper-intelligent. I know some people feel that this kind of teen is unrealistic, and yes, they probably are. But they're so much fun to read. I guess at heart I wish I could have been that smart and articulate as a teen (or now). But here, the smart, quirky dialogue spouted by these characters actually masks the reality lurking underneath.
Both Finch and Violet are damaged. They're both struggling through their own crises without any support or even recognition from the adults around them. Finch, especially. I know a lot of people will dismiss this book because of this, feeling that the characters exist solely to represent depressed, mentally ill kids everywhere.
I disagree. I feel this is a very accurate portrayal of mental illness in literature. Especially teenage mental illness where the person suffering from it may not understand or recognize that what he or she is feeling is, in fact, an illness. And at a time when kids and parents are growing increasing more separate, even attentive parents could miss the signs, let alone a struggling mother with two jobs and an absentee father with a second family and a history of violence.
Violet's parents are more present than Finch's, but having lost one daughter, they're struggling with their own demons and their instinct to be both over-protective of Violet and to not smother her with their fears.
I don't expect everyone to like this book. It's heavy in many ways. But boy is it good.
If you don't believe me, here's the blurb:
The Fault in Our Stars meets Eleanor and Park in this exhilarating and heart-wrenching love story about a girl who learns to live from a boy who intends to die.
Theodore Finch is fascinated by death, and he constantly thinks of ways he might kill himself. But each time, something good, no matter how small, stops him.
Violet Markey lives for the future, counting the days until graduation, when she can escape her Indiana town and her aching grief in the wake of her sister’s recent death.
When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it’s unclear who saves whom. And when they pair up on a project to discover the “natural wonders” of their state, both Finch and Violet make more important discoveries: It’s only with Violet that Finch can be himself—a weird, funny, live-out-loud guy who’s not such a freak after all. And it’s only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet’s world grows, Finch’s begins to shrink.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Weekly Goals 2-11-15
I am so close to finishing my alternate ending of STUMPED. I had great plans of finishing it yesterday, but my computer decided to stop working. Of course that created much panic and hair pulling, but luckily my partner is a whizz at computer fixing and after diagnosing a fried hard-drive (eek!), he managed to get everything back on an external drive.
Unfortunately it took him most of the afternoon and evening, so I couldn't finish what I was working on yesterday.
Fortunately I have a system I can work on until I can get a new hard drive. So I will finish those chapters tonight and send them off. Only a day late...
I think my computer dying was the universe's way of telling me I had to take a break to go and see my best friend play a gig last night. So I did, and it was great!
Once I've sent these two versions of STUMPED to my agent, I have revisions to do on The Sidewalk's Regrets. They're smaller revisions, but feel more difficult, although I have an idea about how to change the ending so it works. And then I still have to finish revising My Murder Year.
So no NaNo for me this year. Which is kind of a shame, because I have an idea for a story I wanted to write during NaNo. But then I'll have another book to revise and I already have too much revision on my plate. So this year instead of writing a novel during NaNo, I'm going to revise two.
What are your goals this week?
Unfortunately it took him most of the afternoon and evening, so I couldn't finish what I was working on yesterday.
Fortunately I have a system I can work on until I can get a new hard drive. So I will finish those chapters tonight and send them off. Only a day late...
I think my computer dying was the universe's way of telling me I had to take a break to go and see my best friend play a gig last night. So I did, and it was great!
Once I've sent these two versions of STUMPED to my agent, I have revisions to do on The Sidewalk's Regrets. They're smaller revisions, but feel more difficult, although I have an idea about how to change the ending so it works. And then I still have to finish revising My Murder Year.
So no NaNo for me this year. Which is kind of a shame, because I have an idea for a story I wanted to write during NaNo. But then I'll have another book to revise and I already have too much revision on my plate. So this year instead of writing a novel during NaNo, I'm going to revise two.
What are your goals this week?
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