Thursday, March 28, 2013

Long weekend

So, it's a long Easter weekend.  The kids get Tuesday off school as well, so it's essentially a 5 day holiday for them.

For me?  Not so much.  I get Friday and Monday off, but have to work the rest of the days.  But that should be okay because at least it should be busyish....  There's nothing I hate more than working when it's quiet.  I get really resentful about being there instead of doing something more productive.  Like writing or revising.

I have several things planned for this long weekend as well as working.  We're going up the coast to visit my good friend on Friday, and I've promised the kids we'll make hot cross buns at some point.  Which reminds me - I need to buy dried fruit to put in them.....  I also just got a new pretzel recipe I want to try out, plus one for a giant, skillet-sized chocolate chip cookie that you serve in slices with ice cream.

Hmmm....  Better hope the gym's open this weekend.  I'm going to need to work out!  Especially since I'm revising and spending a lot of time with my butt planted in my chair.

What are your plans for the long weekend?


  1. Ah, I have my butt planted to a chair right - writer's butt is already beginning to set in. With going to the coast and making hot cross buns I'm sure you don't have to worry too much about the gym :)

    My plan is to write, and then head to the cinema for The Host and then write some more. I have a few errands to run but I'm hoping to put the finishing touches to my WIP before handing it over to my beta readers at the end of this month...I feel so apprehensive about letting anyone read it after all this time.

  2. Lots of reading and getting my plotting finished for camp nanowrimo

  3. I actually get the long weekend off and I'm planning on doing a lot of writing.

  4. We're taking the kids to Harry Potter world next week!

  5. Your weekend plans sound wonderful, especially the GIANT CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!! Wahoooooo!!
    Have a great time! :-)

  6. My plans for the weekend is basically getting my posts in order for the a-z blogging challenge.. and also hangout with friends...

    New follower... hope to see your posts in the challenge
