Sunday, March 23, 2025

Weekly Goals 24-3-25

 I finished Chapter 6 yesterday, but I think I'm going to change the ending.  I didn't get as much writing done as I would have liked,  but I knew that was going to be the case.  I'm not too worried about it.  It's only about three weeks until Easter and I'll have 10 full days then to immerse myself in this story.  Very much looking forward to that.

So the goal this week is to just keep the momentum up.  Write another chapter or two.  Fix the ending of the one I wrote yesterday, to start with.

I'm still waiting on a few people to finish reading A Stranger to Kindness, so that's kind of on hold right now.  My goal is to finish the new now, then to start querying Stranger while I let the new one rest.  Feedback so far has been very positive.  Everyone seems to love my boys almost as much as I do.

And that's about it for goals this week.

What do you want to achieve?

1 comment:

  1. That's great you'll have so much time to write at Easter. I'm getting ready to go out of town so I don't have much time for writing right now.
