Thursday, March 13, 2025

Celebrate the Small Things 14-3-25


It's the end of the week, so it's time to Celebrate the Small Things.

What am I celebrating this week?

It's the weekend!

It has felt like a long week, so I am looking forward to a couple of days off.  I don't have a lot planned, other than writing and gym stuff, so that is a good thing.

I've had some good feedback on the first part of the new book which is encouraging, even if writing in order and posting chapters as I write does feel weird.  It's too early to know if this approach will make editing easier at the end or not, but we shall see.  I am definitely looking forward to getting back into writing it over the next couple of days, so that's got to be a good thing!  I feel like I'll be on track to actually maybe finish the whole thing over Easter, which was the plan.  All things going as planned of course...

I've picked up another regular class at the gym, so I'm now teaching both Tuesday and Thursday mornings, which is good.  I'd like one more regular class, preferably an hour-long one, but I'll have to wait and see if one comes available.

I went to a premiere last night and saw The Rule of Jenny Pen.  It was excellent and actually quite scary.  Disturbing, anyway... Especially since I think I'd blanked out the fact there's a puppet in the film and I really, really don't like puppets.  Ventriloquist dummies are the worst, but this puppet was damn creepy!

What are you celebrating this week?

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