Sunday, February 2, 2025

Weekly Goals 3-2-25

 It's a short work week this week with Waitangi Day on Thursday (and I've taken Friday off too, because why wouldn't you?).  And with a four-day weekend ahead of me, I plan to dive into revisions on A Stranger to Kindness.  One of my critique partners is almost finished the whole book, and one of the others is around halfway, so I have some notes to work on already.  But before I do anything, I'm going to sit down and read through the whole book myself, making my own notes on places I think I need to do some work.

Then, I'll do the work.

Once that's done, I plan to see if I can find a couple more beta readers to give me feedback before I do the micro-edits to tighten up wording and remove all my usual filler words.

I hope to have this one ready to query by Easter.

Other than that, I don't have big plans for the week.  I have two new release classes to learn for the gym, so I'm hoping to finish learning the R30 I started working on this weekend and start on the Ride class.  I swear they get easier to remember the more you've done.

And I hope to make it to the movies over the long weekend too.  There's so many great films on at the moment, it's really hard to keep up.  I need to find time to see both The Brutalist and Emilia Perez but neither have been on at times that suited me the last couple of weeks.  Fingers crossed this week will be different.

What are your goals this week?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your revisions. And I hope you enjoy your time off. I'm working on revising my next chapters of my manuscript this week.
