Sunday, February 16, 2025

Weekly Goals 17-2-25

 I have quite a few goals this week, but whether I manage to get through them all is another question.

I've started making a query list for A Stranger to Kindness.  I'm not racing to send it out - I still have a few more people reading it - but I'm getting prepared.

After asking which book people were interested in seeing more of last week, I decided that the next project I'm going to work on is Pieces of Luke.  I was surprised to discover I'd actually written close to 40K on this one before giving up on it for some reason.  I've read through it, and the pacing is way off, which is probably why I abandoned it.  But it shouldn't be too hard to fix, so I'm going to give that a go.  Fingers crossed it works and I can find my way back into these characters.

My goal is to get the first two chapters whipped into shape, but we'll see how I go.  I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have to work on it this week, but at least I have something to work on.

I have a lot of gym work this week and a lot of choreography to remember, so a big chunk of my week is going to be making sure I know all that before the relevant classes.  Luckily this week I'm only teaching half of each of the new ones because we do it in pairs on new release week.  Gives me a little more time to learn the rest!

And that's about it for goals this week. What are you hoping to achieve?


  1. I think it's great you're getting a list of agents together to query. Then just query in small batches of about five agents at a time. FYI I have two agents spotlight interviews this month and four next month. Maybe some would be good leads for you.
