It's the end of the week, so it's time to Celebrate the Small Things...
What am I celebrating this week?
What am I celebrating this week?
It's been a busy week, but all very enjoyable stuff. I got to go and see one of my favourite singers, Kristen Hersh, play a solo show last night, which was really fun. It's been a few years since I've seen her and she always does the coolest shows. She's an amazing storyteller, and her stories are always as much fun as her songs.
The weather isn't supposed to be great over the weekend, so I'm hoping to get a few hours to really get stuck into the one chapter of Guide Us where I need to add some stuff. Not 100% sure I'm going to get that time since I have quite a few other things I need to do over the weekend, including catching up with the friend I was with in Samoa in July. But we shall see!
I need to try and get all the chores done this week too because next weekend we're going away for an airshow which was my son's Xmas present last year. It was supposed to happen in March, but when the cyclone hit the Hawkes Bay, all the airforce planes were going to be used for cyclone relief, so they moved it into November. I'm not massive aviation wonk like my son, but it will be nice to get out of town for a couple of days.
What are you celebrating this week?
You're always so busy! I hope your son finally gets to enjoy his present, nearly a year after it was given. What bad luck with the cyclone.