Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekly Goals 16-5-16

As I expected, I got edit notes from my agents over the weekend, so Pieces of Luke will have to go on the back burner while I address those.  Luckily the book is in a good place to leave it after all the work I did over the last couple of weeks.

But for now, it's back to My Murder Year.  The majority of changes are going to be fairly easy to make happen, but there is one big picture thing I'm struggling with a little.  So I'll work through the easier stuff first, and see how I feel about the big thing once I've made the smaller adjustments.

And that's it for this week really.  I have nothing major or hugely pressing to do at work, which makes a nice change.  Although of course, that may change tomorrow…  You never know in my job!  But fingers crossed I can have a fairly chilled week in which I can focus time and energy onto my MS.  I'd like to get the revisions turned around so I can get back to the old WIP…

What are your goals this week?


  1. I'll keep my fingers crossed, too. Like can really spring surprises on you!

  2. Awesome, Kate! Sounds like your week is off to a good, and productive, start!
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs

  3. Congrats on the edits and the agent. Sounds like things are moving in your author life. I'm still at the writing only part.

  4. You're progressing so well:) And hopefully you'll find a solution to the big struggle on your manuscript. Fingers crossed.
