Sunday, January 26, 2025

Weekly Goals 27-1-25

 A new week and can you believe January is almost over already?  Crazy!

I don't have a lot of goals this week to be honest.  I'm still trying to get back into the swing of the year, but suspect that won't happen until after next week because there's another public holiday next week which gives me a 4 day weekend.

One of my CPs has given me some awesome feedback on A Stranger to Kindness - namely that once she read Chapter 30 she had to read until the end, and that I made her cry more than once.  I call that a win!  Hopefully she can get some notes to me on the post 30 chapters in the next couple of weeks so I can take her feedback into account when I read through the whole book and start making my revision notes.

I aim to write at least four pieces of flash fiction this week, five if possible.  There are some days the prompts I use are so far out of my wheelhouse I can't think what to do with them.  Other days, I look at them and see the story almost before I've finished reading.  So I think four out of five days is a reasonable ambition.

And that's really it for goals...

What do you want to achieve this week?

1 comment:

  1. It's great you got such a great critique. I'm slowly getting back in the swing of working on my manuscript. I have work, working on my blog and manuscript, and crocheting this week as my goals. Have a good time off work.
