What am I celebrating this week?
It's Friday! And boy do I need a weekend this week... So glad I have nothing of any significance planned.
My Murder Year has received a few more good reviews, so that's good news. People seem to be enjoying it. Even one of my work colleagues!
In not-so-good-news, one of my cats has gone missing. It's been over a week now since I saw her and I've listed her has missing all over the place, put flyers in all the neighbours' letterboxes and messaged the son of my elderly neighbour who doesn't seem to be in her house anymore. No sign of Lola. She has done this before a few times and always come back, but this is getting on toward being the longest she's ever been gone for.
I hope she shows up soon. I don't think Frankie likes being an only-cat.
What are you celebrating this week?
How heartbreaking. I hope she shows up.