This post is part of Lexa Cain's bloghop, Celebrate the Small Things. Head on over there to join up!
So what am I celebrating this week?
Friday! And can you believe it's the 1st of December already? Where has the year gone?
I've had an insane week at work, and it looks like the next three will be just as insane. All I can say is, roll on Christmas break... But I am celebrating getting our Annual Report out. It's one of my biggest projects every year and it's always a wondeful day when the printed copies arrive and we get them out the door to the various government departments that require it.
This week I'm celebrating getting my cover art for Stumped. I'm really excited to get this book out into the world and getting cover art is always the first step. I should have ARCs next week, so if you're keen to read it and review, just let me know!
I didn't win NaNo... Not that I really expected to. I finished the month with just under 32K written, two novels started and one that I realized I began way too early. But that's okay. I wrote something and I can probably salvage something from both those ideas.
Next year though.
My younger son is going tramping this weekend with the Scouts, so I'm looking forward to a quiet, relaxing couple of days. My vacuum cleaner broke last weekend, but my partner managed to fix it during the week, so I will have some serious cleaning to do. With two cats, the house needs to be vacuumed every week.
What are you celebrating this week?