Sunday, September 29, 2024

Weekly Goals 30-9-24

 I got some writing done over the weekend.  I skipped forward a bit and wrote a scene toward the climax off the book.  From here I kind of know what needs to happen and how, so it shouldn't be hard to keep going.  There is still stuff that needs fixing further back, but I'll do that later, when I go back to try and fill in all the places I've left things to move on because I wasn't sure how to make the transition.

I'm just over 43K now, which is starting to feel like a book.  And probably around about where I should be at this point in the story.  I think I have another 25-30K to write until the end.  So once I've filled in the gaps and tidied up some stuff, I should be around the 80K mark which s pretty standard for one of my books.

So my goal for this week is to keep going, keep moving forward.  I really think it's realistic to finish this before the end of the year now, so that's my ultimate goal.  Once the Jazz Festival is over, I'll have some more time off up my sleeve, so I'll probably try to take a couple of days a week in November to write - kind of like NaNo, but without actually doing NaNo.

Why are your goals this week?

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