Sunday, October 6, 2024

Weekly Goals 7-10-24

I had another pretty good writing weekend and managed to get through a couple of pivotal scenes.  Hoping they're as good as I think they are when I go back over them...  They're tricky ones to write because I want the reader to glean some idea what's going on, but the POV character is blind drunk at the time and doesn't know what's happening. 

I swear this book is the most challenging I've ever written....  I have really made it hard for myself!  But if it works out the way I want it to, I think it's going to be pretty powerful.  My critique group have read the first six chapters and are enjoying it so far.  And they love the characters which makes me so happy.  I love them too!

Unfortunately I don't think I'm going to get any time to write over the next couple of weeks because the Jazz Festival is almost upon us and I'm working the next two weekends.  But the week after is a long weekend and I might take a day or so on either side to write.

So this week I need to get all my ducks in a row so I'm organised for the Festival week ahead.

What are your goals for the week?


  1. That's great you've made some progress. I didn't have time to write this weekend because I was helping out with the theatre company I'm on the board of and it's the start of fall clean up. I hope your jazz festival goes well.

  2. That sounds like a really interesting scene. I love it when the reader is supposed to pick up on stuff the character does not.
