Thursday, February 12, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things 13-2-15

This post is part of  Lexa Cain's bloghop, Celebrate the Small Things (Lexa has just taken it over from VikLit who has hosted it for the last 2 years). Head on over there to join up! 
So, what am I celebrating this week?
What are you celebrating this week?

The week being over, frankly!  It's been a really busy one.  We had a day out of the office for team building and policy work on Thursday, and it was quite exhausting!  Which is odd because you'd think a day away from work (at the zoo no less) would be more relaxing than a day in the office.   

I'm getting a haircut tomorrow and I'm quite ridiculously excited about it. It's been almost four months since my last one and the wind has been whipping my hair in my eyes for weeks now.  Time to get the whole mop lopped off.

I'm close to finishing my revision.  I hope to get it done over the weekend so I can start revising STUMPED next week.  It may be a slightly slow start since next week looks insane in terms of work with seminars, meetings and a trip to Auckland all on the cards.  But just making a start will feel like I'm on the right path.


  1. Hope you get to finish your revisions over the weekend. Sounds like you have had a busy week.Getting a haircut can be very uplifting and makes you feel better.

  2. It is odd to think a day at the zoo would be tiring. Yay for hair lopping! Double yay for all the revising you're going to accomplish over the weekend and next week!!

  3. Revisions can be exhausting. Take it easy as you seem to have had a very busy week.

  4. Way to go with your revision work! You're almost there!
    I'm not a big fan of hair cuts, but mine is in severe need of a chop as well. Hope you have a good haircut and a great weekend!

  5. Yes, those field trips are no fun, the older you get!
    I so need the hair done -
    Best of luck on finishing revisions.

  6. Good luck with revising. I hope you have a non-busy weekend so you can get through it all. And be sure to have a nice break before Monday hits :)

  7. Happy weekend! I am glad you can relax a little after your long week. Hope the haircut went well! :)

  8. Wow, do you sound busy. I'm always happy to get my hair cut so I stop feeling like a sheepdog. Good luck with your revisions! Happy Weekend!

  9. Thanks for reminding me, I desperately need a hair cut. Happy Valentines Day.

  10. I rarely get my haircut, so it's a treat when I do. I need one now, in fact.
