Friday, September 30, 2011


Today I'm diving into the first round of revisions on The Boyfriend Plague. I know it's not going to be easy. I've already decided I need to cut one subplot entirely, and there is one that's not developed that I need to work on. It's a big job, and one I'm not sure how to attack.

Every book I've written I've revised differently. This time, I've given myself a month. The book is 31 chapters long, so I figure a chapter a day is reasonable. Maybe.

The first step is to read through the whole MS. I printed it yesterday on real paper, not recycled from the scrap box, so I have a nice blank page on the back of each one to scribble notes on as I read.

Then, using these notes, I will take one chapter out of the binder each day, and work through it, tightening, changing, rewriting as necessary. I know already that the early part of the book will need the most work. I found my focus and the core of the story about 10 chapters in, so those first 10 chapters are going to need a ton of work.

That's not to say the later ones won't need work too. I'm sure they do. Especially as I develop that under-developed plot line. But once I'm through this revision, I'll be ready to show the book to my critique partners and beta readers. Then I'll revise some more, based on their comments. It's a long process, but I hope to have something I'm happy with before 2012 begins.

I just need to be calm about it. If I can't finish in a month, that's okay. It's better to get it done right. I have 2 weeks of school holidays this month, plus a film festival, so there is a good chance I won't get through. I have to be okay with that.

How do you approach revision? Love it or hate it?


  1. Starting revisions is always hard for me. But it is a necessary part of the writing process. Good luck during the revision process, and try to have fun with it.

  2. Wow girl, you are awesome. I love that you have set those goals. YOU CAN DO IT! I also love the idea of revising. I may have to try something like that when I get mine to that point. Good luck!

  3. Thanks! I feel like I need a ton of luck to get this one right...

  4. Congrats on finishing! And best of luck getting through your revisions in a month. That's an incredible goal! I love revisions. I love it because I know each round makes my book better and better. Even if I do get sick of it before I get to the end each time. :)

  5. I've always loathed revisions, but this time I'm really looking forward to it. I know there's a good book in there somewhere. I just have to find some way of carving out of the rest....
