I guess the big thing I'm celebrating this week is that I have signed a publishing contract for a new book. Standing Too Close will be published in 2025. I can't quite believe that I am going to have published six novels in the near future. It wasn't so long ago (okay, almost 11 years) that I felt like I was never going to get even one published. Yet, here we are...
Although, if I look at it from another perspective, maybe it isn't actually such a great achievement given I think the book I'm working on now is my 19th or 20th... But this is a celebrate post, so I'm going to celebrate it anyway.
I'm hoping to make some good progress on A Stranger to Kindness this weekend. I really need to finish it before edits come in for the old book. Blue and Harley have very different voices and in the past, I've lost my way with a current writing project when I went back to edit another one midstream. Several of the unfinished books on my hard drive are casualties of this.
I'm having a lot of fun with publishing my short fiction (mainly 100 words or less) stories on Medium. I don't have a ton of readers yet, but I figure that will come with regular posting. At least, I hope so.
I have a pot luck dinner with my girlfriends on Saturday night. This is a group of women I met when my oldest son was six months old and now all our kids are over 20! And we're still friends! Our kids, not so much...
The other thing I'm celebrating this week is that I'm going to see the Wicked movie on Sunday. Looking forward to it too!
What are you celebrating this week?
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