Sunday, April 23, 2017

Weekly Goals 24-4-17

I already know this week is not going to be a productive week as far as writing goes, so my goals are very small.

Wednesday is the day the tender closes on our house, so until I know the outcome of that, I'm not going to be able to focus much on anything.  If the house sells, then I'll be able to start breathing again and thinking about other things I need to do.

If it doesn't….  Well, I actually don't know what I'll do.

So for this week I'm just going to try and chip away at those 1000 words I need to cut out of my MS.  And if I get the material back from my ghostwriting partner, I'll do a little more polishing up on those too.

But basically, I'm just trying to keep my head straight and not give in to the panic that keeps creeping up on me whenever I think about not selling the house.

What are your goals this week?


  1. I've been going over an old manuscript recently, and maybe because it's old I've been surprised how easy it's been to revise, sometimes ripping out how sections (although adding a few extra words or sentences along the way, too). This stuff ain't as precious as it sometimes seems. There's always a better way to do something. Usually it stops changing once it's in print. Until then you'll find that it's easier to eliminate stuff than you'd think. Sometimes sentences at a time. Sometimes whole paragraphs. But if you start thinking whole chapters...

  2. How anxiety inducing. I'm glad I'm not selling a house. Good luck!
